My name is Shannon, I'm 23 years old and from sunny Durban, South Africa.
Welcome to my blog!
Here I hope to share my fitness and health journey with you as well as advice, tips and tricks and of course motivational quotes!
My story starts from when I was 15... I was overweight and then diagnosed with ovarian cysts and this resulted in me deciding to change my eating habits for the better - realising you only get one body to live in...
This lasted until I hit the end of my schooling but in varsity the wheels fell off again being in a toxic relationship and highly stressed with assignments and late nights ended straight back to me binge eating and making poor food choices as well as no time for exercise.
After completing my Diploma in Fashion Design, at 21, I found a job designing underwear and met the most amazing man. This stability now allowed for more time to focus on my fitness again... one day while out hiking with him, I got extremely ill. I went to the doctor and he said its probably just a kidney infection... nope, it was kidney stones!
Once again, my body was telling me my silly choices had caught up to me and that I needed to rectify these bad habits I had developed.
2 years later, I've run 2 half marathons and belong to the local running club, I gym 6 days a week, eat 6 times a day, have finally reached my goal weight and have my body fat under control.
I have now decided to take it one step further and compete in my first bikini competition in September 2017 - I have a comp coach, a set eating plan and a set exercise plan so now I just need to stick to it and pull through.
I really hope you enjoy my content and would love to hear any feedback.
Lots of love,
My name is Shannon, I'm 23 years old and from sunny Durban, South Africa.
Welcome to my blog!
Here I hope to share my fitness and health journey with you as well as advice, tips and tricks and of course motivational quotes!
My story starts from when I was 15... I was overweight and then diagnosed with ovarian cysts and this resulted in me deciding to change my eating habits for the better - realising you only get one body to live in...
This lasted until I hit the end of my schooling but in varsity the wheels fell off again being in a toxic relationship and highly stressed with assignments and late nights ended straight back to me binge eating and making poor food choices as well as no time for exercise.
After completing my Diploma in Fashion Design, at 21, I found a job designing underwear and met the most amazing man. This stability now allowed for more time to focus on my fitness again... one day while out hiking with him, I got extremely ill. I went to the doctor and he said its probably just a kidney infection... nope, it was kidney stones!
Once again, my body was telling me my silly choices had caught up to me and that I needed to rectify these bad habits I had developed.
2 years later, I've run 2 half marathons and belong to the local running club, I gym 6 days a week, eat 6 times a day, have finally reached my goal weight and have my body fat under control.
I have now decided to take it one step further and compete in my first bikini competition in September 2017 - I have a comp coach, a set eating plan and a set exercise plan so now I just need to stick to it and pull through.
I really hope you enjoy my content and would love to hear any feedback.
Lots of love,
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